December 2024
December 1st. Our Advent table out with items to help you prepare for into the season – Advent wreath candle, Advent and Jesse tree candles, and other items. We’ll put another table out for parishioners who want to bring in those “extra” cards, gift tags, or books that you think others could use feel free to bring in. Leftovers will be donated to the Pioneer Home.
Check the “free” bookshelf during near the entrance facing Airport Road for other selections. Books left over after mass will be placed on the shelf for others to choose from during the week.
St. Mark -Signup FlyerFlocknote_Directions
MONTHLY PARISH MEETING: Join us for our next meeting in January on campus in the Lola Tilly Building (Room 301) to continue our discussion on plans for the upcoming new year. CSA meets at 6:30pm for Mass, so the meeting will be kept under an hour. Parking is free after 5pm on campus.
Please keep Fr. Sean Thomson in your prayers for a full recovery. He was in an accident while working in his parish in the Spokane Diocese and is currently in Intensive Care in the hospital. Fr. Sean was very active in our UAF student ministry while in Fairbanks. We are also asked to pray for the following priests living in Anchorage currently with serious medical issues: Fr. John Hinsvark (retired from Diocese of Fairbanks), Fr. Scott Medlock, Fr. Dick Tero, and Fr. Eric Weissman.
Check out our bulletin for ways to volunteer by helping Sacred Heart Cathedral’s Food Box Ministry on Friday; Immaculate Conception Soup Kitchen on weekends by preparing/serving or donating items needed for making lunches; and Catholic Schools of Fairbanks with their upcoming Garage Sale (see bulletin) and Fall HIPOW Auction to help raise money for the school year.
Due to Immaculate Conception Kitchen only serving on Saturday and Sunday, the Fairbanks Stone Soup Cafe has shown an increase in the soup kitchen that serves free meal Monday-Friday from 7:30 – 9:30 AM. Their budget is being stretched and they are looking for help. Contact to see how you can help.
Summer clean up for our church property was delayed due to weather and illness. We will work this month on clearing weed trees and bushes from around the fence and pick up trash. If you can lend a hand, please contact Mary Pat Boger at .
( Tripetto Place Holder )
Here is a Word Copy and a PDF copy of the Parish Registration form that you can down load and fill out then return at the Sunday 5:30 pm Mass.