Our Parish Mission Statement:
St. Mark’s University Parish provides a welcoming faith community for students, families, and individuals that share a geographic, intellectual, or historic connection to the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). We exist to encourage, inform, and support the faith journey of all who have come to UAF with a background in the Catholic tradition. St. Mark’s also provides reliable information for non-Catholics inquiring about our faith, and contributes to inter-faith discussion and ecumenical action.
“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us this day in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the Power of God, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits, who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.” – Pope Leo XIII
UPDATE: March 26, 2025 ~ 3rd Week of Lent ~ Cycle C
“Actions speak louder than words
Let your words teach and your actions speak.”
~ St. Anthony of Padua
Stations of the Cross at Sacred Heart Cathedral begin Friday, March 7th with 5:30 PM Mass; 6:00 PM Stations; followed by 6:30 PM Simple Supper potluck; 7 PM Stations in Spanish. This is the beginning of our Lenten 40-day journey. Stay tuned for other events.
Check out Lent Resources at Busted Halo to help make your Lenten season more meaningful!
Keep priests in the Diocese in your prayers and continue to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life! (Click link to see list of Priests)
Catholic Student Association Mass on UAF Campus has moved to Thursday at 7PM in the Lola Tilly Building Upstairs. Students living on or off campus are encouraged to join CSA and become an active member!
Flocknote – The new communication way that the Diocese is using to keep you informed on Holiday Mass times, weather cancellations, ministry updates, & more delivered to your phone. Please go to UPDATES for information on how it works and how to sign up.
To access weekly Sunday Vespers Prayers please go to Prayers tab above. You can see the Prayers directly or download a copy or scan a QR code to put the prayers on your phone. Join us at Sacred Heart Cathedral on Sunday afternoon at 4:30pm.
Check out opportunities to volunteer where help is needed. Sacred Heart Cathedral Friday Food Boxes, and ICC Soup Kitchen. Check our bulletin for more opportunities.
Sunday March 23Get Free Catholic Content On FORMED.ORG (See Ordinary Time Tab)
3/24-27: ACCB Priest Convocation in Anchorage
3/28: 5:00-8:30 PM FISH FRY at Monroe Catholic School. Stations of the Cross 5:30 PM.
4/1: Chrism Mass with Bishop Steve Maekawa, O.P.
4/13: 5:30 PM St. Mark Palm Sunday Mass
4/17: 7:00 PM Holy Thursday Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral
4/18: 7:00 PM Good Friday Services at Sacred Heart Cathedral
4/19: 8:00 PM Easter Vigil at Sacred Heart Cathedral
4/20: EASTER SUNDAY – No St. Mark 5:30 PM Mass)
6/9-13: Summer Oratory at Saint Nicholas Parish in North Pole for ages 6-17 – 9 AM – 3 PM
Every Sunday: 4:45 PM: Vespers at Sacred Heart Cathedral (SHC) followed by 5:30pm St. Mark Mass
Every Mon.: 6 PM Legion of Mary Meetings at Immaculate Conception (ICC)
Mon-Fri: 7:30 am Mass at SHC
1st Mon. of the month: (Sep.-Jun.): Sacred Heart Book Club from 12:30-2 PM meets in SHC Social Hall.
1st & 3rd Tues. (Sept.-May): Women’s Group 7:15 PM at sister’s convent.
Every Tues.: 6 PM meeting of Legion of Mary at ICC
Every Tues.: Voices of Hope Prayer Group at SHC
Every Wed.: 11:00 AM SHC Holy Hour w/Adoration & 7:00 PM CSA Mass & Meeting on UAF Campus in Lola Tilly.
2nd Thur. of the month: Knights of Columbus Meeting 6:30-7:00 PM
1st Thur. of the month: 6:30-8 PM of Franciscan Community at St. Raphael Church
Every Thur.: 7:30 PM Men’s Group at ICC – Adoration followed by fellowship downstairs.
Catholic Student Association (CSA): Meets once a week during Fall & Spring Semester Mass on UAF. 2025 Spring Semester weekday Mass is Thursday at 7:00 PM in Lola Tilly Lower Commons.
Every Fri.: (Sept-May): At Immaculate Conception 6:00 PM Young Adult Adoration
Every Fri.: Voices in the Wilderness 6:30 PM at Immaculate Conception
Every Fri: 7PM-7AM Nocturnal Adoration
Sat: (Sept-May during the school year) 1:00-2:45 PM ORATORY at Sacred Heart Cathedral (ages 4-17); followed by 3-4:15 PM Religious Education Class
Please keep all our priests in your prayers and continue to pray for vocations to the Diocese of Fairbanks
Check out Free Online Courses From Franciscan University of Steubenville’s Catechetical Institute on the Prayers Tab
The Seven Sisters Apostolate is committed to praying for priests. A Seven Sister prays for: one holy hour/one specific priest/each week/one heart of prayer. Interested in joining? Contact Katie Reed at (907) 348-7300
Check out reflections on the “Prayer” tab for understanding “what happens at mass.”
Chancery Job Opportunities
Learn more at dioceseoffairbanks.org/job-postings!
2023 Summer Road System Masses
PARISH REGISTRATION: Records need to be updated to reflect our demographics for reporting purposes. To do this, St. Mark Parish will be updating our membership records. We are asking all members to fill out the form, as well as those who are new to our parish and wish to enroll. Forms are available at the entrance of the Church to fill out and can be put in the collection basket or go to (Registration Form) for a link to a printable form. If you have questions, contact Mary Pat Boger at stmark@cbna.org or call 907-374-9564 during business hours
Current Information regarding events in the Diocese can be found at: http://dioceseoffairbanks.org/joomla/
Please think about making a donation where it’s needed most:
ICC Food Kitchen is looking for volunteers and items. Go to https://www.iccfairbanks.org/soup-kitchen for more information.
Our Rural Parishes need our help to bring them up to code. Go to http://dioceseoffairbanks.org to see where you feel comfortable in donating.
Need a ride from UAF Campus to 5:30pm Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral; or Catholic Events during the week? Contact Mary Pat Boger in advance to arrange a ride (at least 36 hour if possible). Phone: 907.374.9564 or email: stmark@cbna.org.
Celebrate Mass by becoming more active in the Sacrament. Choose between becoming a Reader, Extra-Ordinary Minister of the Cup, Altar Server, or a member of our Music Ministry. Sign-up at the church entrance and make sure you leave contact information! Talk to George Stefan (Music Leader), or Mary Pat Boger (Parish Administrator). Email: stmark@cbna.org for more information.
Live streamed & Recorded Masses
Go to Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska Website. Click on the Facebook symbol at top of page. You will go to Facebook page. Click on Videos in the list to the left. Select the video you wish to view. Live streamed Masses may be accessed when aired or later.
Cancelled Events
Check the Diocese of Fairbanks website and Facebook page for the newest information.
Sacramental Information: Please contact St Mark office <374-9564> or Email: stmark@cbna.org
Anointing of the Sick/Hospital Visits Please call the parish office and leave a message at 374-9564 or Fr. Ross Tozzi at 347-3005. We would also like to know when others are sick, going into the hospital or in a nursing home so all can be included in our prayers and be visited.